Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today in the Presidency&Administration c.3/07

The Presidency & Administration of Utubia is founded upon the ideals and principles that the People truly believe in. This Presidency is in no way connected with any of the pre-existing physically-based, real-life, nationalistic governments, except in such a manner as to "take the best and leave the rest".
* President Appleseed is in the process of working with his Officers to further establish Utubia for all perpetuity. For that objective, the "official" organ of communication is called: UtubiaPresident.
* There are various channels that continue to express ideas or news about the developing Presidency during its historic 1st term. Several of these channels who broadcast themselves, whether as distractions, parodies, or such: YTPresident, Utubia, OvalOffice, TheOvalOffice, PresidentRenetto, etc. as well as PeterAppleseed (the original COMEDY channel of the individual elected to the Presidential office, which was started long before the Presidency was established).

The Videos from the first month of the Presidency of Peter Appleseed from the UtubiaPresident Channel:


YTpresident (TBA as Shadow President? Check back this week for confirmation)

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